Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Advantage of science and technology

benefit of science and technology Science and technology are probably the most debated topics in society. Scientific and technological developments have been debated as to whether they affect people's life styles and cause hassle. On the contrary, science and technology has improved our way of life for the better of mankind. Medical advancements, computers and simple inventions such as the light bulb are all examples of how science and technology is beneficial. In each of these cases, there are no undesirable changes to people's life styles. If it were not for many, if not all, of these changes in our history, we as an economy and nation would have fallen apart. Looking into the past, we can see all of the beneficial advancements we have made and how far we have come. Scientific and technological developments such as medical research to find a cure for AIDS, modern health care and computers are beneficial in the role of improving people's lives and do not come at the cost of undesirable changes to them.
Today with new technology, medical research is being done everyday to help find cures or vaccines for devastating diseases such as Cancer, AIDS, Alzheimer's and Leukemia. Being diagnosed with one of these diseases is hard, but growing up with them is even harder. "AIDS was first identified in the USA in 1981. The epidemic has now spread to every part of the USA and to all sectors of society" (Noble). Growing up, I had two siblings who were diagnosed with AIDS. My older sister Katie was unfortunately taken by the disease at the age of 5. At the time there was not any technology or medicine strong enough to save her. My youngest brother though was very fortunate. After being diagnosed with AIDS in late 1993, there was enough technology to help slow the process of the disease. Going into the 21st century he is now like any other 13 year old boy with the exception just that he takes a lot of medicine that helps keep him alive. AIDS was not caused by science or technology, but we are using science and technology to fight it. Due to the benefits of science and technology concerning AIDS, my brothers'

Benefit of science and technology

Man, powered by his imagination and inquisitive character, has wondered he mechanisms of Nature since time infinite. This quest for the truth, the ways in which his surrounding works, has led to many a scientific discoveries and innovations. Since the art of making fire and creating handcrafted tools, our civilization has come a long way. Science and Technology are making advances at an amazing rate. From telephones to the Internet, calculators to computers, cars to rockets and satellites, we are submerged in a sea of discoveries and inventions made possible by Science. Fields like Medicine and communications have made inroads into our cultures and thus our lifestyles. So vast is the impact of Science in our lives, that people fear the unthinkable.

Relation between science and technology

Science and technology are closely related to each other, there is direct relation between science and technology and it seems like they are two major factors influencing the progress of our society.There is great imortance of science and technology in this new world . your next written assignment is devoted to these issues. Let us discuss some good strategies for writing for you to get an A+ on your essay on science and technology.If it were not for many, if not all, of these changes in our history, we as an economy and nation would have fallen apart. Looking into the past, we can see all of the beneficial advancements we have made and how far we have come. Scientific and technological developments such as medical research to find a cure for AIDS, modern health care and computers are beneficial in the role of improving people's lives and do not come at the cost of undesirable changes to them.

Argument of advance science and technology

In the argument of on halting advances in technology, and another for continuing the advancement in technology. A good argument to halt human advancement in technology is that if we continue creating technologies and researching sciences to re-create living matter (cloning), people will not want to die, and will clone themselves, and if they do that, combined with the new off-spring of other human beings, the world will become hugely overpopulated, than it is even now, and the world will not be able to accommodate the basic needs of everyone. The only way to counteract this overpopulation would either be restricting the amount of off-spring each country is allowed to produce, stop advancement in medicine, or make genocide legal, of course these kind of sacrilegious acts are against what many people believe in, even if it is only administrated to clones. Therefore there will be arguments, that blossom into fights, then wars, even a world war, all over what people’s edition is right or wrong.

Science and technology on our health

One way science and technology enriches our lives is through medical breakthroughs that make it possible for people to live longer, healthier lives. Science and technology enrich our lives by eliminating mundane work. Science and technology also enrich our lives by making it easier for us to communicate with each other using various forms of communication including cell phones and email.
Learn about the technological advancements and scientific achievements that so greatly influence our lifestyle and impact our lives. Use the resources below to find out more about the fascinating world of science and technology. Whether you are a scientist or a layman, you will find thought-provoking articles to hold your interest. Stay current with the latest science and technology news.


Scientific progress and technological innovation have become major drivers of economic progress in the emerging knowledge economies where growth, productivity, and competitiveness are increasingly based on improved technologies, novel products, upgraded processes or customized services. The more important they became, the more the need was recognized to monitor their development, to examine the conditions under which they reach an optimal performance, and to formulate and carry out policies aimed at enhancing its performance and setting its prioritiesScience and technology are closely related to each other, and it seems like they are two major factors influencing the progress of our society. Besides, your next written assignment is devoted to these issues. Let us discuss some good strategies for writing for you to get an A+ on your essay on science and technology.